Monday, October 8, 2007

Visual analogies

Visual Analogy is a representation of something that is recognizable by the common public. Symbolism depicted in a form of art that substitutes an image for either a word meaning or another image. Also Visual analogies can be used to create the object that the artist is trying to depict in an abstract way. For example a females long silky hair could be depicted by spaghetti noodles since they have the same long shiny texture even though they are sticky and soft and heavier then hair normally would be.Another example of this is the lips which have been traded out for a lushish strawberry. The idea of lips is still the same but a strawberry is used instead.

The next image is a little complex to understand but that allows the viewer to create his own visual analogy of what he think it might be. All of these images have been collected off of by various artists who keep there identities to themselves by using surnames. However according to this artists comments the brown aura comming out of the body is sopposed to be the humans soul.

This image represents life and making a break in the plans that life may have already written for us. A tree best illustrates the stages and ages of life with rings for each year and with a fence to gap these years at almost feels as if the tree escaped its plans.

The classical sexual representation of boobs using melons. This is practically a play on words.

And my favorite of all the classic don't get to close to the water or you'll drown scenario represented by ants getting to close to honey and becoming stuck stealing their life with the simple act of curiosity or stupidity.

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